We've now had, like, five straight meals at Mexican restaurants. And that's not counting Southwestern-style eggs and omelets w/ salsa for breakfast.
Something particularly noticeable about Mexican food in Santa Fe is that they like their dishes "smothered" here -- the sauces are abundant, almost soupy. Compare this to, say, the drier style of San Antonio Mexican food. It can be tasty, but overall, it's not for me. I like dry!
Here's a summary:
Plaza Cafe: The one meal that wasn't so gloopy. I had a pork pozole soup, and Kaii had chorizo & mushroom sopes. Excellent.
The Shed: Look at my chicken enchiladas swimming in sauce. I was unable to eat more than a few bites. The guacamole was to die for, though!
Tomasita's: Pretty good! I had a combo plate w/ a relleno, chicken enchilada and beef taco, all smothered of course.
Five and Dime: Kaii was dying to try their famous Fritopie, aka Southwestern chili poured into a bag of Frito's. Apparently Kaii has made this before with friends -- they call it a "walking taco"!!
Posa's: Tamales smothered in a smoky red chile sauce.
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